Monday, September 8, 2008

Age Management Medicine--Going the Distance

As a country ,we are ageing fast.Life expectancy of the local population is quickly approaching 80 years.longer lives,unfortunately,mean that we are likely to spend a longer period of time with some form of chronic degenerative illness such as heart disease,cancer,stroke and diabetes.To make matter worse,research is showing a trend towards the earlier onset of degenerative diseases,probably as a result of our stressful and often decandant lifestyles.Thankfully,age management medicine may provide a plausible solution to this problem.While anti ageing medicine has gained much notoreity for its uncorroborated implications,age management medicine,in contrast ,converts known and accepted markers of disease into proactive patient management.This encompasses the goals of helping patients regain and maintain optimal health and vigour,improving their quality of life and increasing their health spans and life spans.
AGEING SUCCESSFULLYIn scientific terms,ageing refers to the gradual changes in the structure of a mature organism that occur normally overtime,and increase the probability of death and disability.this inevitable ans irreversible process occurs from the moment we utter our first cry as a baby,and stirs up much dread in most of us.With a bit of help,however,we can avert these changes and ensure that we age successfully.But what exactly does it mean to age successfully?In 1961,Havighurst defines this as"adding life to the years" and "getting satisfaction from life".Age management medicine strives to fulfill these very objectives-- to reduce the biological effects resulting in cell death and disease,improve function and quality of life,and prolong life.Age management medicine recognises lifestyles modification such as stress reduction,dietary changes and exercise as integral aspects of this battle against time.Patient education is therefore paramount in age management.Ofcourse,dietary supplementation,hormonal modulation and the control of existing medical conditions follow on as an important part of patient management,and must not be neglected.
WHY HORMONAL MODULATION?Hormones are chemical messengers needed for communicatio between cells that control the majority of bodily functions.Unfortunately,a decline in hormone levels,with the exception of the hormones cortisols and insulin,is seen as early as the late twenties or early thirties.This is commonly associated with lethargy,weight gain,an increase in the ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass,mood swings,memory loss and poor concentration abilities,sexual dysfunction,bone loss,an increased risk of oesteoporosis and a decline in cardiovascular fitness.
MENOPAUSE AND PERIMENOPAUSEFor women,menopause,has been identified as a time of drastic changes due to the decline in the female hormone,oestrogen.However,what most women are not aware of is that,prior to menopause,they will experience a time of progesterone deficiency and oestrogen dominance,known as perimenopause.this may start from the age of 35 and is usually accompanied by an increase in bloating,breast tenderness and mood changes prior to periods.But more importantly,this period of oestrogen dominance increases the risk of both benign and cancerous breast lumps,fibriods,endometriosis and endrometrial hyperplasia.Progesterone replacement is therefore important for symptom control and reduces the risk of common gynaecological problems during perimenopause.If progesterone replacement is considered ,it is important to note that progesterone should be replaced instead of progestogens.The latter has different effects from natural progesterone and may be associate dwith increased risk of breast cancer,as well as other side effects such as bloating,breast tenderness and acne.Progestogens may also not have any of the beneficial side effects of natural progesterone on the mood,water retention and sleep.It is also clear now that,if considered,oestrogen replacement should be started as early as possible during menopause.Delayed of the same may prove harmful than beneficial in cardiovascular disease prevention.
ANDROPAUSE AND TESTOSTERONE LEVELSMen experience a similar dip in hormone levels with age,especially during andropause.From the age of 40,free testosterone levels decline at a rate of 1.2%.This is because,with age,total testosterone level declines and oestrogen production increases,bounding existing testosterone levels and rendering them inactive.As a result 20 percentage of men between the ages of 60 and 80 have lower than normal testosterone level.However,being more subtle than the decline of oestrogen levels in women,this often dismissed as a normal part of ageing.This is alarming given the fact that men with 'normal' but sub optimal level of testosterone run an increased risk of developing insulin resistance which in turn result in coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus.Moreover,even though oesteoporosis is commonly thought of as a woman's disease,one third of oesteoporotic fracturers occur in men,with andropause being a significant risk factor.
INSULIN RESISTANCEUsually due to an increase in the percentage of body fat,insulin resistance also increases with age.As a result of this,the amount of insulin produced in the pancreas increases as well.High fasting insulin levels inturn increases the risk of high blood pressure,atherosclerosis and consequently,heart disease,strokes,diabetes and alzheimer's disease.Furthermore,an increase in insulin resistance as wellas an increase in cortisol results in a hike in the average blood glucose level and fasting glucose level.And the higher the average blood glucose,the greater the amount od glycation,a substance responsible for the binding of sugar to protein molecules.Being fifty times more likely to produce free radicals,glycated proteins increase the risk of hypertension,heart disease,diabetes and complications,cancers and alzheimer's disease.Infact ,even when within the normal range of HbA1C levels of five to six percent,there is a 28 percent increased risk of dying heart diisease,stroke,cancer and diabetes.With that said,weight loss and fat loss through dietary changes and exercise,hormonal modulation are important to bring about a decrease in fasting insulin levels.This lowers the risk of developing these common chronic diseases.
To conclude,Age management medicine,therefore,incorporates knowledge of diseases,and their pathogenesis to educate patients and empower them to be proactive in managing their health conditions.Combining dietary changes,exercise,hormonal modulation and convectional management of existing medical condition can help the patients forestall ageing,avert diseases and stay healthy for longer time.

Garlic Sense--The Science behind Garlic

Garlic is an ingredient used extensively in food.It has also been used as medicine for a wide variety of ailments for thousands of years.Garlic has been the subject for over 2000 scientific publications and is one of the top selling herbs in the health supplement industry today.Garlic has a wide range of well documented effects including boosting the immune function,fighting infections,preventing cancer and providing various cardiovascular benefits--lowering total/LDL('bad') cholesterol,reducing high blood pressure and increasing fibrinolytic activity of the blood thus making it less liable to form clots that can block the blood vessels.Its antimicrobial actions have made garlic a popular remedy for protection against recurrent colds,flu and bronchitis.Garlic inhibits candida albicans and is helpful against recurring yeast infections.All the beneficial effects of garlic are attributed to its sulphur-containing compounds,the most important of which are allicin,ajoene,vinyle dithilins and allylsulphides.Incidentally,these compounds also account for their characterstic pungent color of garlic.Allicin is formed from alliin,which occur when bulbs are crushed or chopped,a process which releases the enzymes allinase present in garlic itself.While alliin is a very stable compound and can survive storage for longerperiods of time.It can easily break down into other compounds including vinyl dithilins,sallylcysteine and allyl sulphides.Some researchers have shown that allicin is very rapidly metabolised in the liver,and hence may exert its medicinal effects indirectly via its breakdown products.
THE MANY FACES OF GARLIC PREPARATIONSVarious types of commercial garlic products are available in the market.These product differ in the method used in processing the garlic components,resulting in significant variations in the nature and potency of medicinal activity shown.Whole fresh garlic and dried standardised garlic extract powder demonstrate the whole spectrum of health effects associated with garlic--anticancer,cholesterol -lowering,anti-atherosclerosis and antimicrobial. The major active constituents are allicin and ajoene.Aged garlic extract,made by adding chopped garlic clove to a dilute solution of ethanol for 20 months and then filtering the mixture,contains sallylcysteine and has been reported to lower choleterol,albeit taken in high doses.Garlic oil,which is prepared by macerating garlic with oil for a period of time lowers cholesterol,but does not appeared to have any of the other benefits of powdered whole garlic.Another type of garlic oil,obtained by steam-distillation,contains primarily allylsulphides with antibacterial and anticancer properties.One of the main difficulties in comparing studies on garlic is establishing the nature and concentrations of active components in the garlic preparation used.Studies have proved that fresh garlic preparations lowers cholesterol and LDL more effectively compared to aged garlic.HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST GARLIC PRODUCTBesides allicin,ajoene amd allylsulphides,there are many other compounds ingarlic that contribute to the medicinal effects of garlic.Therefore,the best product would be one that is rich in all garlic compounds and most resembles whole fresh garlic.The german commission E recommends an effective dose of garlic that is equivalent to 4000mcg of fresh garlic.Allicin is the precursor from which all the main active garlic components are formed.Ideally,a good garlic product should contain plenty of alliin coupled with high allinase activity,which react together to release allicin.The capacity of a garlic product to release allicin is known as its"allicin potential".Studies that report a beneficial effect of garlic and garlic preparations used a form of garlic that delivers a sufficient dose of allicin.As allicin is not produced until it has passed into the intestinal tract,by which time it can be destroyed by stomach acid,the product has to be protected with'enteric-coating'.Preparations which have high alliin content being formed ,and hence will not be effective.Furthermore,some excipients used in making tablets can actually inhibit allinase activity,thus reducing the amount of allicin being released.Thus a wise consumer will choose a garlic product with the following properties:----Made from whole garlic,such as whole garlic extract powder.--Guaranteed tp produce a standardised quantity of allicin for every dose.Based on clinical research,an effective commercial garlic product should provide a daily dose of 4000mcg of allicin potential in order to be effective.This,if a product claims to deliver 750mcgallicin per capsule,you would need to take 5 to 6 capsules a day to obtain the health benefits of garlic.--Enteric-coated to ensure that allicin is not produced until the garlic powder mixes with the fluids in the intestinal tract.This will ensure that all the allicin is available for absorption ito the body.--An added benefit of enteric-coated of product is that it does not give an after taste or after-odour,hence is more socially acceptable.--Pure garlic powder in capsule form is preferred as it does not contain any other excipients that may interfere with allicin productions.

Monday, March 17, 2008

7 Eating Habits For A Healthy Pregnancy

While you are pregnant,baby only has one source of nourishment...and that's you.This doesn't mean that you need to 'eat for two'.Its does mean,however,that you need to eat sufficiently and sensibly to keep both of you healthy throughout the pregnancy.If you have paid very little attention to your diet before,you really should start eating wisely now.A little forethought and careful planning can make pregnancy a pleasant experience for you and increase the chances of healthy full term baby.Here are seven eating habits for a healthy pregnancy.
Habit # 1 :Balance your DietExtremely poor eating habits before or during pregnancy can harm both you and your baby.If you are under-nourished, you may lack energy or certain nutrients that might need to complications including poor cell development in your unborn baby,low birth weight.Over -nutrition is just as undesirable.Excessive energy(from over eating or habitually taking high-fat foods) causes you to become overweight or obese.These conditions can lead to a higher risk of diabetes or hyper tension in pregnancy,larger than normal babies and other problems.Your diet should consist mostly of carbohydrate foods,more fruits and vegetables,moderate amout of protien foods as well as milk and dairy products,and finally, minimal amount of fats,oils,sugar and salt.
Habit# 2:Go for VarietyDifferent foods provide different combinations of nutrients ( Energy ,carbohydrates,fibre,protein,fats,vitamin,minerals and healthful food components) in differing amounts.In order to gain the goodness that different foods can offer,eat a wide variety of foods.
Habit# 3:Eat According To Your NeedsBaby's growth and the changes to your body call for an increase in total daily energy requirements.So its normal that your appetite may increase a little.However,your body also seems to make more efficient use of the food eaten.This is why many women can achieve normal weight gain during pregnancy without eating significantly more than usual.
Habit #4:Eat Regular MealsStick to three main meals(ie breakfast,lunch and dinner) to keep you and baby going through the day and night.If your main meals are small or if you feel hungry in between,don't hesitate to have a morning or afternoon snack of milk or yoghurt,digestive biscuits,noodles or fruit.
Habit #5:Choose Foods Rich In Vitamins And MineralsWhen pregnant,you need more of almost every vitamin and mineral than usual.Most of these increased requirements can be met through a carefully planned,nutritious diet.Nevertheless,you should conciously give preference to foods that are rich in calcium,iron,Vitamin C,A and B12 and folate(folic acid).try to reduce salt,sugar and overall fat intake.Bowel movement should be regular if there is sufficient intake of water,high fibre foods and vegetables.Some women mistakenly believe that supplements will meet all their nutritional needs and neglect their diets,Unfortunately,this does them more harm than good.
Habit#6:Don't Eat Too Much Or Too LittleOvereating may cause you to gain too much weight in the course of your pregnancy.By the same token,now is not the time to go on a weight-loss diet.both situations could do your baby a lot of harm.However,pregnancy is not a good excuseto gorge yourself.Food craving should be checked if they have low nutritional value.Avoid taking candy,doughnuts,potato chips,sundaes and snacks which have empty calories.increasing weight adds increasing pressure on the veins of the legs and feet,possibly leading to cramps,varicose veins and oedema.
Habit#7:Balance Your Energy Intake With Physical ActivityGetting pregnant is one of the best reasons for leading a more active lifestyle.Whether its taking a walk,going for a swim,gentle stretching or whatever physical activities you enjoy,just do them for atleast 30 minutes(in one session or three 10-minute sessions),everyday.The routine will help you burn off excessive energy from food and improve your digestion,while getting you in good shape to handle the rigours of birth and advancing pregnancies.To look and feel good,expectant mums need to have sufficient rest and exercise.But if you suffer from low energy levels,the answer may be simply inadequate nutrients from your diet.To prevent fatigue,eat well at regular intervals,exercise moderately and drink plenty of fluids.Regular exercise is preferable to sporadic activity.It is best to consult your gynaecologist or obstetrician before embarking on any exercise program.Generally you should avoid exercises which require lying in the supine position(on the back) after the first trimester.This position reduces the blood flow from the heart.Swimming is the ideal form of exercise for expectant mum.The aerobic exercise increases the flow of oxygen to the baby and lessens the risk of developing high blood pressure,varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
-->Vitamin and Minerals good for Baby and You
1.Folate (Folic Acid)--Needed for the development of baby's central nervous system early in pregnancy and it may prevent abnormalities of the brain,spine and nervous system.-Helps blood cell and haemoglobin formation-Needed for building DNA.Sources:-Dark leafy vegetables,Ladies finger,Dried peas and beans,Whole grain breads and cereals,Citrus fruits,Tomato,Banana.
2.Vitamin C--Helps to build strong placenta-Enables body to resist infection-Aids absorption of iron-Promotes formation of baby's gums,bones,ligaments and teethSources:-Citrus fruit(eg orange),Tomato,Potato with skin,Broccoli,mango,starfruit and guava.
3.Vitamin A--Development of baby's skin,eyes,heart,urinary and reproductive organs.-Helps with baby's bone growth.Sources:-Liver,milk,egg,sweet potato,carrot,dark leafy green vegetables,mango,papaya.
4.Vitamin B12--Maintains nervous system-helps form red blood cellsSources:-Liver,lean red meat,fish,poultry,milk.
5.Calcium--Important to ensure the healthy development of baby's bones and teeth.-Prevents baby from meeting his needs by stealing from mother's bones(demineralisation) and ,thereby, putting mother at risk of osteoporosis or brittle bone disease later in life.Sources:-Milk and dairy products,kailan,broccoli,dried beans.
6.Iron--Supports the increasing blood volume produced by mother and baby-Improves level of oxygen carried in blood for mother and baby.-Replenishes blood mother may lose during pregnancy.Sources:-Liver,Lean and meat,spinach,tofu,Dried beans,whole grains and fortified breads and cereals.
7.Foods to avoid--Avoid caffeine,Don't smoke,stay away from alcohol,don't consume over the counter medication.
Closing Thoughts
Eating right ,taking care of yourself and getting good prenatal care will pave the way for an easier delivery and a healthier baby.Nutrition is also direct linked with your skin and hair.It affects how you feel, too.If your normal diet usually consist of a coffee at breakfast,some finger food at lunch and fast food yet again at dinner,this is a good time to change your habits and look forward to a beautiful baby.

Healthy Heart Habits

Cardiovascular disease(CVD) has more often than not been considered a man's disease--yet the truth of this axiom is quite the reverse.As lifestyle trends change globally,more and more women are becoming prone tp CVDs--the major problem that arises here is that women tends to develop heart disease much later in life compared to men as they are protected by high level of oestrogen.Further,CVDs in women tend to exhibit different symptoms as compared to men and studies show that women also experience more 'silent' heart attacks i.e. they may not always know that they are having cardiac arrest.While it is essential that women should make lifestyle changes to keep CVD at bay,knowledge and acceptance that CVDs are no longer the sole domain of men is the first step to having a healthy heart.Although you cannot help in cases when the heart disease is caused due to heredity,family history and some unavoidable factors.
Here are some basic healthy heart habits that every woman,and man for that matter,should incorporate into their daily routines:1.Have a balanced and nutritious diet that includes grains,fruits,vegetables and low in saturated fats,cholesterol and total fats.Most of the experts say that total fat intake should be 25 percent of calories or less,and some would aim for 20 percent or less.SATURATED FATS--It is advisable to restrict saturated fats from your diets mostly found in meat,butter,cream and other animal products.To accomplish that ,people should eat only three ounce of red meat per week.Several studies have shown that even a moderately low-fat diet can reduce blood-cholesterol levels by about 10 percent,which translates into 20 percent reduction in heart-attack risk.CHOLESTEROL--The cholesterol from foods such as eggs and shrimp has less impact on heart disease than does saturated fat,which the liver turns into cholesterol in the blood, where it can clog the arteries and cause a heart attack.How ever reducing dietary cholesterol is less crucial than cutting back on total and saturated fat.FRUITS AND VEGETABLES--Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of dietary fiber ,as are grains and legumes.Half the experts,pointing to evidence that fibre can help lower the risk of heart disease.Soluable fiber has its own part tp play in keeping your body healthy--preventing heart disease.New studies show that the fiber forms a gel in the intestine that traps and ushers cholesterol out of the body.It can help reduce insulin levels,which inturn lowers triglycerides(another major risk in heart disease).
2.Supplement right by going for vitamins and nutrients that will help you attain and maintain a healthy system--omega 3 fish oil is one of the more popular supplementation that has proven to be effective in keeping CVDs at bay.A moderate diet of poly-and monounsaturated fats can lower blood-cholesterol levels when substituted for saturated fats.In recent years much attention has focused on omega-3 fatty acids,found in some fish oils,which reduce the risk of heart disease and help prevent blood clots that can trigger heart attacks.It is more recommended to eat fish two or more times a week.
3.Regulate your blood pressure levels and adopt an active lifestyle as this not only has a positive effect on stress,obesity and hyper tension,but also promotes mental and emotional well being.Extra pounds can increase the risk of hypertension,diabetes and heart disease.salt can pose problems for the millions of people who have high blood pressure.There is noproof that drinking coffee increases the risk of heart disease.You probably donot need to skip coffee breaks unless caffeine gives you the jitters or you have medical problems such as stomach ulcers or an irregular heart beats.
4.Alcohol--One of the most consistent findings in the diet -health arena has the medical community in a quandary:It seems that one or two alcoholic drinks a day reduces the risk of heart disease.(one drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer,five ounces of wine or one and a half ounces of spirits).Alcohol appears to raise levels of HDL cholesterol,the protective component of blood cholesterol,which is diffcult to raise by other dietary means.Red grapes may also do the trick for non-drinkers.
5.Garlic--Garlic has wide variety of well being documented effects including boosting the immune function,fighting infections,preventing cancer and providing various cardiovascular benefits--lowering total/LDL cholesterol and increasing fibrinolytic activity of the blodd thus making it less liable to form clots that can block the blood vessels.
6.Smoking--Quit smoking as statistics show that smoking is the leading cause of coronary heart disease and lung cancer in US.Smoking is not at all safe ,when it comes to heart disease.Even passive smokers are affected badly when they are in da?ily contact with active smokers.Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,800 chemicals,which can damage your heart and blood vessels,thereby making your heart weak.Your heart tends to work harder ,when you smoke nicotine contained cigarette which in turns results in increasing your blood pressure and heart rate.Women smokers are at greater risk of having heart attack or stroke from those who donot smoke.The good news, though, is that when you quit smoking, your risk of heart disease drops dramatically within just one year. And no matter how long or how much you smoked, you'll start reaping rewards as soon as you quit.
7.Exercise and active routine--Physical activity is always good for your health and this is true when it come to the health of your heart.Regularly exercising can prevent you from having fatal heart disease.Physical activity does not mean that you need to do strenous exercise,even brisk walking can do wonders,but should be followed on regular basis.Combination of physical activity with healthy eating lifestyle is perfect tonic for healthy heart.Regular physical activity helps in preventing heart disease by increasing blood flow to your heart and thereby strengthening your heart's contractions so that your heart pumps more blood with less effort and force. Physical activity also helps in controling your weight and reducing your chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It also reduces stress, which may also be a factor in heart disease.
Most importantly,go for regular screening and heart check ups.Just like cancer,early detection can make things much better for you and in most cases ,prevent fatality because "Prevention is better than cure".Keep your heart healthy by following these healthy habits.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Family,Relationship and Society

Marital Rape--An Alarmingly common reality

Marriage is our society's most cherished and sacred relationship.Sex in marriage is not just a form of physical unioun,it is also held as spiritual union that has the potential to bring deep fulfillment and joys to the sexual partners.To talk of "marital rape" is therefore is shocking and contentious and create confusion--especially since rape is widely regarded as a sexual transgression and abuse by sheer force,while marriage is seen as involving socially sanctioned sex wherein both partners have agreed to cohabit.There are hundred of stories that expose women's real life experiences of sex in marriage.They show how sex can be nonconsensual,forced and painful for married women.What exactly is Marital Rape?Consent to sex is automatically assumed in marriage,yet we all know from personal experience how our sexuality is an aspect of our conciousness and is more than just an instinctive drive.Yet women are expected to be sexually available to their men irrespective of their personal desires,and people at large donot think of sex by coercion in marriage as rape.In reality,women's experiences in marriage of nonconsensual and coercive cover a spectrum of forms wherein the use of verbal threats,physical violence and injury and even the use of weapons is made by their own husbands in the privacy and legitimacy afforded by marriage,to thrust unwanted forms of sex .Much of sexual violence in marriage is rotine and made invisible through factors like the culture of silence,ideas of masculinity and feminity,and the sacred nature of the marital union.Loyalty to the family,fear,inability to leave the relationship due to dependencies,acceptance of sex even against one,s wish as a husband's right and a wife's duty,and other such restraints keep many women from talking of the violence in their bedrooms even to their close friends and relatives.There is an urget need to create institutional responses to this much hidden crime.Women need first of all,to break the silence surrounding this violence and see the possibility of defining a changed socio-cultural context.The criminal justice system,the healthcare system and especially the mental care system,shelters homes and counselling cells need to recognize ad respond to the sexual dimensions of violence against womens in homes.This endeveour can be positively impacted if we as women,refuses to be creatures of male lust and aggression.Admitting our own discomfort with being sexually abused and coerced by our own men is the first step to challenging social expectations that emphasise women,s sexual subordination as essential for social and familal stability.

Family,Relationship and Society

Women--Victims of blind beliefs

The Indian sub continent was partitioned on the basis of religion,but the division has not helped in reducing discrimination against women.The old orthodox community customs and beliefs remain both in india and pakistan.In pakistan,in a remote village in multan,an 18 year old girl was gang raped as a punishment decided by the village eldres for her brother courting a girl belonging to another tribe.In india too several cases of "community justice"inflicted on lovers of different castes are reported.The girl and boy are killed to save the "honour" of the families concerned.Such cases make a splash in newspapers,police register cases and the judicial process,in its long-winding way,dries up as no one cooperates with the prosecution because the whole community has colluded in commiting crime.The instance of an atrocity commited on a young woman in indore was of different nature.Sangeeta sode's crime was going on a pilgrimage to vaishnodevi with a friend without informing her family.How was one know she was not seduced during the pilgrimage?The community leaders organised an agnipariksha to prove her chastity.The ceremony required holding a heated iron rod in her hand.It is some consolation that after a furore was raised against the gang rape in multan,the pak authoroties prosecuted the criminals responsible for the crime, the village head man and the rapists.After a speedy trial,6 persons involved were given death punishment,a remarkable judgement in a case where community collusion was involved.In india,heinous crimes against women go practically unpunished because of the delay in courts.Women just go to courts for the justice and what they get are dates,another dates and some more dates.Situation differs only if you belong to some good and well-known family.If we take the case of sangeeta as an instance,would the same punishment be given ,if the same thing has been done by a boy.This is where question stops????

Family,Relationships and Society

Thank God For Little Girls

Women's who has ambtions for their daughters are simple homemakers,full time mothers.The kind whose universe revolves around their family and their children and who might have put their own ambitions on hold just to be there 24x7.They were selected by an MNC for writing award-winning essays on what they wished for the future of their daughters.They would have some very definite views on what they wanted their daughters to be ----everything that they themselves could not be.After all, psychologically ,most of us wish that for our kids.We want our children to be famous.We want our children to be the singers we never were.Or climb that mountain we only stared at from base camp.Or soar the heights of success that we felt too dizzy to fly.Ofcourse, they wanted their daughters to be achievers.But these women not once mentioned that they wanted their children to become doctors or engineers.What each mother wanted was to let her do what SHE,the child,wanted.Without coercion.Without restraint.Each mother seemed to have decided that no matter what her daughter's choice,the mother's role would be to be there at each step.Their wish list for their daughters was equally heart-warming.Some women would like their daughters to learn to be independent and confident.Some hoped that their daughters would learn from their faliurs.When asked one women put it very beautifully as she said--"I want her to know that success could also be tinged with failure,and that you may not learn much from success,but failure will teach you a lot.I am sure that there are thousands of mothers out there,who may not be as eloquent but nonetheless are spinning out equally pragmatic and sensible dreams for their daughters.Teaching them to sift truth from fiction.Showing them how to fly high with their feet firmly on the ground.What we know need is a similar exercise on what mothers are dreaming for their sons.To start with,we need women teaching their boys that their sisters have the right to the same ambitions they have.Then we will not need a woman's qouta in Parliament.And the glass ceiling will have been shattered once and for all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Exercise to slim your Waist line

"Stand with your feet wide apart and the arms stretched out .Twist the body,first to the left,then to the right and repeat it several times"

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How to make Cleansing cream at home

Cleansing creams are used not only to lift the dust ,but also to remove stale make up.Make up has waxy base which cannot be properly penetrated and cleansed simply by using soap and water.A cleansing cream or lotion is essential for this.Here are few cleansing creams which are very easy and quick to make in the comfort of your home:--

Rose Water Cleansing Cream
Galen,A greek physician of the 2nd century,made this cleansing cream with the following ingredients:--
1 1/2--Tablespoon beeswax or white paraffin wax
1 Tablespoon emulsifying wax
4 Tablespoon mineral oil
6 Tablespoon rose water
1/2 teaspoon borax and
a few drops of rose oil(perfume)

Melt the wax and oil together,and at the same time heat the water and borax and make sure that the borax is completely dissolved.Remove both bowls from the heat and pour water in to the oil.Continue stirring until a white cream starts to form.Add a few drops of rose oil when the mixture begins to cool.Carry on beating until the mixture thickens...

I hope you all will like the recipie.In my next post i will add another new recipie of cleansing cream..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wanna Check Out Your Current Weight And Required Weight Without Spending A single Penny---Here Comes""..

Hi everybody,
I know its really tough if somebody says"Hey what have you done to yourself? or Look at yourself in mirror.
Really all these comments are hard to bear.Its really seems absurd ,given that we know the health risk associated with being over-weight.But still we overlook it ,may be because of less guidance or we feel depressed and intentionally overlook it.Exceesive weight can result in various types of dreadful diseases.To avoid ,we need to have a regular check or track on our weight gain and have to keep in mind the healthy diet intake.
But this is only done if there is something which can help us to do all these trackings.
Yes...,you all are lucky enough that there is one website which helps in doing all these funtions for us and that too for free.Yes ,this site is truly 100% free - no credit card is ever required.

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1.Calorie counter
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Calorie counter:--
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Calorie chart:--Calorie chart will provide you all the necessary nutition facts for the food.It will tell you about the actual content of fats,calcium,iron,sodium,potassium etc in the food we intake.This will give us the correct idea of the actual content in per serving.

Here is the link :--

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So What are you waiting for you can help others by first helping yourselves....