Monday, March 17, 2008

Healthy Heart Habits

Cardiovascular disease(CVD) has more often than not been considered a man's disease--yet the truth of this axiom is quite the reverse.As lifestyle trends change globally,more and more women are becoming prone tp CVDs--the major problem that arises here is that women tends to develop heart disease much later in life compared to men as they are protected by high level of oestrogen.Further,CVDs in women tend to exhibit different symptoms as compared to men and studies show that women also experience more 'silent' heart attacks i.e. they may not always know that they are having cardiac arrest.While it is essential that women should make lifestyle changes to keep CVD at bay,knowledge and acceptance that CVDs are no longer the sole domain of men is the first step to having a healthy heart.Although you cannot help in cases when the heart disease is caused due to heredity,family history and some unavoidable factors.
Here are some basic healthy heart habits that every woman,and man for that matter,should incorporate into their daily routines:1.Have a balanced and nutritious diet that includes grains,fruits,vegetables and low in saturated fats,cholesterol and total fats.Most of the experts say that total fat intake should be 25 percent of calories or less,and some would aim for 20 percent or less.SATURATED FATS--It is advisable to restrict saturated fats from your diets mostly found in meat,butter,cream and other animal products.To accomplish that ,people should eat only three ounce of red meat per week.Several studies have shown that even a moderately low-fat diet can reduce blood-cholesterol levels by about 10 percent,which translates into 20 percent reduction in heart-attack risk.CHOLESTEROL--The cholesterol from foods such as eggs and shrimp has less impact on heart disease than does saturated fat,which the liver turns into cholesterol in the blood, where it can clog the arteries and cause a heart attack.How ever reducing dietary cholesterol is less crucial than cutting back on total and saturated fat.FRUITS AND VEGETABLES--Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of dietary fiber ,as are grains and legumes.Half the experts,pointing to evidence that fibre can help lower the risk of heart disease.Soluable fiber has its own part tp play in keeping your body healthy--preventing heart disease.New studies show that the fiber forms a gel in the intestine that traps and ushers cholesterol out of the body.It can help reduce insulin levels,which inturn lowers triglycerides(another major risk in heart disease).
2.Supplement right by going for vitamins and nutrients that will help you attain and maintain a healthy system--omega 3 fish oil is one of the more popular supplementation that has proven to be effective in keeping CVDs at bay.A moderate diet of poly-and monounsaturated fats can lower blood-cholesterol levels when substituted for saturated fats.In recent years much attention has focused on omega-3 fatty acids,found in some fish oils,which reduce the risk of heart disease and help prevent blood clots that can trigger heart attacks.It is more recommended to eat fish two or more times a week.
3.Regulate your blood pressure levels and adopt an active lifestyle as this not only has a positive effect on stress,obesity and hyper tension,but also promotes mental and emotional well being.Extra pounds can increase the risk of hypertension,diabetes and heart disease.salt can pose problems for the millions of people who have high blood pressure.There is noproof that drinking coffee increases the risk of heart disease.You probably donot need to skip coffee breaks unless caffeine gives you the jitters or you have medical problems such as stomach ulcers or an irregular heart beats.
4.Alcohol--One of the most consistent findings in the diet -health arena has the medical community in a quandary:It seems that one or two alcoholic drinks a day reduces the risk of heart disease.(one drink is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer,five ounces of wine or one and a half ounces of spirits).Alcohol appears to raise levels of HDL cholesterol,the protective component of blood cholesterol,which is diffcult to raise by other dietary means.Red grapes may also do the trick for non-drinkers.
5.Garlic--Garlic has wide variety of well being documented effects including boosting the immune function,fighting infections,preventing cancer and providing various cardiovascular benefits--lowering total/LDL cholesterol and increasing fibrinolytic activity of the blodd thus making it less liable to form clots that can block the blood vessels.
6.Smoking--Quit smoking as statistics show that smoking is the leading cause of coronary heart disease and lung cancer in US.Smoking is not at all safe ,when it comes to heart disease.Even passive smokers are affected badly when they are in da?ily contact with active smokers.Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,800 chemicals,which can damage your heart and blood vessels,thereby making your heart weak.Your heart tends to work harder ,when you smoke nicotine contained cigarette which in turns results in increasing your blood pressure and heart rate.Women smokers are at greater risk of having heart attack or stroke from those who donot smoke.The good news, though, is that when you quit smoking, your risk of heart disease drops dramatically within just one year. And no matter how long or how much you smoked, you'll start reaping rewards as soon as you quit.
7.Exercise and active routine--Physical activity is always good for your health and this is true when it come to the health of your heart.Regularly exercising can prevent you from having fatal heart disease.Physical activity does not mean that you need to do strenous exercise,even brisk walking can do wonders,but should be followed on regular basis.Combination of physical activity with healthy eating lifestyle is perfect tonic for healthy heart.Regular physical activity helps in preventing heart disease by increasing blood flow to your heart and thereby strengthening your heart's contractions so that your heart pumps more blood with less effort and force. Physical activity also helps in controling your weight and reducing your chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It also reduces stress, which may also be a factor in heart disease.
Most importantly,go for regular screening and heart check ups.Just like cancer,early detection can make things much better for you and in most cases ,prevent fatality because "Prevention is better than cure".Keep your heart healthy by following these healthy habits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People who smoke have more risk of heart attacks than non-smokers do. Due to smoking, the arteries become hard which can block the flow of blood from the heart. This results in a possible heart attack. Doctors can treat his problem by performing bypass surgery, which may be a risky affair for a patient.