Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Move for every Mood--Workout for those moody blues.

As urban life gets tougher,more competitive and increasingly stressful,finding a
few quick and easy exercises to elevate your mood is the call of the day.Here
are some fast mood-lifters;do them anytime,anywhere.They may look rather
cartoonlike,and so may you,but to your surprise you will find that they have an
instant reaction!And you need not haveto do any of them in public.You can do
the following once or more times,depending on how you are feeling.

The silent screamThis will help you releasing your anger via making the actions of a scream,a
silent one,and will give you a surprisingly instant fix.Open your mouth, take a
deep breath and let go with all you have,without making a sound.A Deep BreathWith your eyes open or shut.slowly take a deep breath and then release it just
as slowly,drawing your awareness towards the breath,imagining giving vent to
your anger when exhaling compard ti inhaling.

CardioNeed a quick pick me up?Cardio exercise is a fabulous mood-lifter.Take a walk.You could team this with a strength exercises by carrying weights
while walking.After a few minutes of walking,break into a little jog.Go in for a session of aerobics.The music and the tempo helps a lot.Swim a few laps.The water will relax you and the exercise will help you get back
in good form.Take the stairs.Or skip rope.Go biking,but not on the streets.Cycle around in a par,beauty in nature is
always a mood booster.
Smile/LaughIf you are feeling a bit blue,force that smile or laugh and see how good you will
start to feel!

The Hair PullStress starts in the mind and accumulates all over.Run your hands to various
parts of your hair,clenching down and pulling upwards,slightly straining the
hair at the skull.Hold this position for a moment or two.Work through the entire
scalp in this way.
Forehead tappingUsing the pads of your fore and middle fingers((not the bony tips of the
nails),firmly tap away on your forehead,covering the entire surface area.Feel
the stress drain out of your face and skull like sand out of bag.

Upward StretchStretch upward and outward to shake yourself out of a spell of lethargy.If the
body feels awake and alive,so will the mind.
YawnIf you need a quick wake-up call,force a yawn and see how alert and alive you
immediately feel!Yawning is the body's natural way of bringing you back into focus.


Intaking vitamin supplements for getting rid of acne can really be effective.As vitamins give a boost to your immune system,thus fight with bacteria causing acne.Oral skin supplements promises to beautify your skin from within.Overtime, your skin quality will improve making it more beautiful,younger and blemish free.Specifically,while oral supplemnts are effective for skin health,what are these supplements and how effective are they?
The fact is most people are deficient in vitamins, minerals and herbs that are important for your body to function properly. Only 9 to 32 percent of Americans eat the recommended three to five servings of vegetables every day. Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body. It requires proper nutrition to function properly. Just like every other part of your body.
The facts is that our body needs proper nutrition which is unable to get from our daily diets .Here are some vitamins and minerals which act as an antioxidants to fight from free radicals and results in acne free skin.Excessive doses can be just as harmful as deficiencies,so it is best to abide by recommended daily allowance.
VITAMIN A-- Vitamin A is critical for the normal life cycle of skin cells.Vitamin A deficiency causes skin to become dry ,fragile and prone to acne and blemishes.Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant needed to rid your body of toxins.On the other hand, excessive vitamin A intake can cause serious toxicity and should be avoided.Vitamin A is found in carrots, green vegetables, oranges and bananas.
VITAMIN B-complex--Vitamin B complex is found in sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and green peppers. Vitamin B also acts as an antioxidant. If the acne is caused by stress, Vitamin B can replace nutritional deficiencies caused by the stress and which may be contributing to the acne. Vitamin B5 is particularly beneficial.
Zinc--Zinc, especially in the form of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate, can help prevent acne. Zinc helps heal blemishes, reduces inflammation, and reduces androgenic hormonal effects on the skin.
Vitamin E is excellent for speeding up the healing process, due to its antioxidant capacity. It also helps with the absorption of vitamin A.
VITAMIN C also helps in healing acne problems especially with bioflavanoids.It has got anti-inflammatory substance.Vitamin C and E and beta-carotene has been touted as anti oxidants that reduce free radicals.
These all vitamins and minerals will give your immune system a great boost and also helps in healing acne and blemishes.But getting them all seperately will affect your pocket and will be expensive ,so the best method is to take multi-vitamins to cover them all.What,s more ,there is nothing to lose and everything to gain since multi-vitamins are simpler to take and cheaper than taking individually.

Science in the Kitchen

Which contains more Caffeine--Tea or Coffee?
Do tea or coffee have different effects or does the caffeine level depend on the type of tea or coffee?Tea does indeed contain more caffeine than coffee,but only by dry weight,not by its final concentration in the cup of tea that you drink. Because much more coffee powder than tea leaves are used to brew the respective drink,coffee typically ends up having a considerably higher caffeine concentration.he caffeine content of different varieties of coffee and tea plant can vary widely. The effect of equivalent amounts of caffeine is the same regardless of its source.As drunk in India,a cup of strong tea contains about the same amount of caffeine as a weak cup of instant coffee.Tea also contain small amount of theobromine and theophylline,which act like caffeine. But they have relatively weak stimulant effects.If you are regular caffeine consumer(three or more cups of tea or coffee a day),you will feel a noticeable benefit with the first cup of tea or coffee in the morning,mainly caused by removing the fatiguing effects of overnight caffeine withdrawl. In contrast,tea or coffee, consumed before bed time,has a lesser impact,because having consumed several cups during the day,the bed time cup of tea or coffee will tend only to maintain the body's level of caffeine.However,if the interval were long,it may keep you awake.
According to Dr Shinsuke Imai from chiba,Japan, and his colleagues,it may soon be possible to grow onions that taste as good as original,but do not make you shed tears while chopping them.They have identified the gene that is responsible for making the tear inducing chemical substance.It would not be difficult to make genetically modified(GM) onion varieties that lack the substance all together.Now they have shown that the chemical is made by separate enzymes altogether.So a GM onion,lacking the enzymes,would not irritate your eyes,but taste very similar to the original.
The strong smell of fresh onions comes from the sulphur-rich chemicals contained in them.Cutting or peeling the onion releases this chemical,which readily evaporates and soon reaches the eyes.This sulphurous and acidic chemical irritates the nerve endings in the conjuctiva,the transparent tissue that cover the eye and the underside of the eyelids. An instinctive reaction of the irritated nerves is to send signals which stimulate the tear glands in each eye to produce extra tear liquid which is mostly water.
However ,before the new onions appear in the market,try one of the following tips:--1.Wear swimming goggles

2.Slice the onion under water
3.Before slicing the onion,wash it and keep it wet
4.Wear contact lenses if you are using them
5.Breathe through your mouth.In order to ensure that you breathe through your mouth,hold a metal spoon lightly between your teeth.Holding the spoon upside down works best.
6.Hold a slice of lemon under lips while slicing
7.Hold a sugar cube between your teeth to absorb irritant
These will help you in keeping you away with those rolling tears without losing the tasty aroma

Growing with Menopause

Menopause is a normal part of life.For most women,this process begins silently somewhere aroud age 40 when periods may start becoming less regular.Menopause basically symbolizes a time of change,when a women ceases tohave her menstrual cycle.Many womwn are beginning to have it earlier due to environmental changes such as genetically-modified food,which have impact upon hormonallevels.
Declining levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause changes in your periods.Surgical removal of your uterus (hysterectomy) alo makes your periods stop and menopausal symptoms may start right away,no matter what your age.
Estrogen and progesterone are necessary for normal menstrual cycles and for successful pregnancy.They also help in the development of breast and sexual organs.Estrogen also helps to keep bones healthy.It helps women keep good cholestrol levels in their blood.
Changing hormonal levels can cause a variety of symptoms that may last from a few months to few years longer:
1.Irregularity in periods:Periods may become less regular or lighter than normal.Others have a heavier flow and may bleed a lot for many days.
2.Hot flushes:A hot flush is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body lasting between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.
3.Vagina and bladder problems:The genital area can get drier and thinner and make sexual intercourse painful.Vaginal infection can become more common.
4.Sex:In many women the sex drive is lowered .
5.Sleep problems:Women may suffer difficulty i sleeping and disturbed sleep.
6.Mood swings:There may be a relationship between changes in estrogen levels and a woman's mood, thus resulting in mood swings.At one time you would be happy and on other ,annoyed .
7.Heart and bone diseases:As estrogen is responsible for keeping women's bone healthy ,thus a deficiency may lead to osteoporosis.Estrogen is also responsible for keeping cholestrol level under control.During menopause,cholestrol level go up and put women at risk of heart disease.
Your doctor may suggest taking estrogen and progesterone,known as homone replacement therapy or HRT.It involves taking estrogen and progestin.
An increasing number of women are adopting alternatives to HRT.Phytoestrogens are estrogens-like substances derived from plants,and are structurally similar to estrogens.They are found in cereals, vegetables,legumes(beans),and some herbs.Soy,wild yams and herbs such as black cohosh,asparagus racemosus and dong quai,contain phytoestrogens and may relieve some symptoms of menopause.
Women in some countries such as japan,appear to experience fewer symptoms of menopause than women in western countries because their diet contains more phytoestrogens.phytoestrogens also offer long term benefits such as lowering risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.Along with phytoestrogens,calcium and magnesium supplements are also recommended.
However,special precaution are to be taken if you have been operated for breast cancer and is on chemotherapy.
1.Ashoka(Saraca indica) and Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus):Both the herbs provide rich source of plant estrgens,which helps regulate the hormonal imbalance and thus helps in relieving symptoms of menopause.2.Yashtimadhu(Glycrrhiza glabra):It is a natural source of estrogen with antioxidant,analgesic property to relieve frequent urination and prevent vaginal dryness.3.Bala(Sida cordifolia):It also possesses analgesic property and thus relieving from frequent urination.4.Mandukaparni(Centella asiatica):It is helpful in calming the mind and reducing symptom of anxiety during menopause.
To stay healthy you can make some lifestyle changes:- Don't smoke.- Eat a healthy diet that is low in fat and cholestrol,high in fibre and include fruits ,vegetables and wholegrain foods.- Lose weight,if you are over-weight.- Take part in weight bearing exercises such as walking,jogging,running or dancing,atleast thrice a week.- If you frequently feel an urgent need to urinate,ask your doctor about tecnique such as pelvic exercises,biofeedback and bladder training that can help you improve muscle control.- Get regular pelvic and breast exams,pap tests,and mammograms.
Eventually it is always you who can help yourself,your will power and positive attitude to keep you remain healthy during this phase of your life.

Growing with Menopause

Menopause is a normal part of life.For most women,this process begins silently somewhere aroud age 40 when periods may start becoming less regular.Menopause basically symbolizes a time of change,when a women ceases tohave her menstrual cycle.Many womwn are beginning to have it earlier due to environmental changes such as genetically-modified food,which have impact upon hormonallevels.
Declining levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause changes in your periods.Surgical removal of your uterus (hysterectomy) alo makes your periods stop and menopausal symptoms may start right away,no matter what your age.
Estrogen and progesterone are necessary for normal menstrual cycles and for successful pregnancy.They also help in the development of breast and sexual organs.Estrogen also helps to keep bones healthy.It helps women keep good cholestrol levels in their blood.
Changing hormonal levels can cause a variety of symptoms that may last from a few months to few years longer:
1.Irregularity in periods:Periods may become less regular or lighter than normal.Others have a heavier flow and may bleed a lot for many days.
2.Hot flushes:A hot flush is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body lasting between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.
3.Vagina and bladder problems:The genital area can get drier and thinner and make sexual intercourse painful.Vaginal infection can become more common.
4.Sex:In many women the sex drive is lowered .
5.Sleep problems:Women may suffer difficulty i sleeping and disturbed sleep.
6.Mood swings:There may be a relationship between changes in estrogen levels and a woman's mood, thus resulting in mood swings.At one time you would be happy and on other ,annoyed .
7.Heart and bone diseases:As estrogen is responsible for keeping women's bone healthy ,thus a deficiency may lead to osteoporosis.Estrogen is also responsible for keeping cholestrol level under control.During menopause,cholestrol level go up and put women at risk of heart disease.
Your doctor may suggest taking estrogen and progesterone,known as homone replacement therapy or HRT.It involves taking estrogen and progestin.
An increasing number of women are adopting alternatives to HRT.Phytoestrogens are estrogens-like substances derived from plants,and are structurally similar to estrogens.They are found in cereals, vegetables,legumes(beans),and some herbs.Soy,wild yams and herbs such as black cohosh,asparagus racemosus and dong quai,contain phytoestrogens and may relieve some symptoms of menopause.
Women in some countries such as japan,appear to experience fewer symptoms of menopause than women in western countries because their diet contains more phytoestrogens.phytoestrogens also offer long term benefits such as lowering risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.Along with phytoestrogens,calcium and magnesium supplements are also recommended.
However,special precaution are to be taken if you have been operated for breast cancer and is on chemotherapy.
1.Ashoka(Saraca indica) and Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus):Both the herbs provide rich source of plant estrgens,which helps regulate the hormonal imbalance and thus helps in relieving symptoms of menopause.2.Yashtimadhu(Glycrrhiza glabra):It is a natural source of estrogen with antioxidant,analgesic property to relieve frequent urination and prevent vaginal dryness.3.Bala(Sida cordifolia):It also possesses analgesic property and thus relieving from frequent urination.4.Mandukaparni(Centella asiatica):It is helpful in calming the mind and reducing symptom of anxiety during menopause.
To stay healthy you can make some lifestyle changes:- Don't smoke.- Eat a healthy diet that is low in fat and cholestrol,high in fibre and include fruits ,vegetables and wholegrain foods.- Lose weight,if you are over-weight.- Take part in weight bearing exercises such as walking,jogging,running or dancing,atleast thrice a week.- If you frequently feel an urgent need to urinate,ask your doctor about tecnique such as pelvic exercises,biofeedback and bladder training that can help you improve muscle control.- Get regular pelvic and breast exams,pap tests,and mammograms.
Eventually it is always you who can help yourself,your will power and positive attitude to keep you remain healthy during this phase of your life.

Female hair loss--How to control and maintain healthy hair

While women worry about losing their figures,some worry about losing their hair.Although hairloss is more common in men,it can affect women with genetic tendency towards this problem.It is caused by effects of Androgens(male hormones which women also have, but at very low level).These hormones restricts the growth of the hair which results in a characteristic thinning on the front and top of the scalp.
The hair become finer and do not grow as long as they should,and the scalp eventually becomes a little more visible.This form of hairloss affects 10% of all women aged 18-40, 25% by the age of 50, and staggeringly high 60% by 70 years of age.
A growing number of women in stressful jobs suffer from hair loss.Modern life and high stress levels associated with fast moving life styles can have a truly dramatic effect upon hair.Considerable stress can also be placed on a mother by the often formidable demands of her family.
Many parts of the body can suffer the effects of stress,but it shows very quickly in the hair because the lifecycle of the hair is interrupted,causing it to fall out prematurely.By the time one particular hair is replaced another two have fallen out,so the overall effect can be significant thinning of the hair.
In addition,another crucial factor is to take action quickly.
Natural hair loss solutions — the Women to Women approach
If your hair loss is mild to moderate, the most important thing to do is weigh the immediate stressors in your life against how much support you’re giving your body. Start with an honest inventory of your healthy and not-so-healthy habits. Then take some steps toward shifting the balance to the support side. Here’s what we recommend:DIET- Your hair is nourished by your bloodstream and lack of nutrition will result in dull and lifeless looking hair.Nourish your hair with hair foods such as palak,paneer and milk as they are great for your hair.Any diet rich in protien will also help in decreasing hair loss problem.Eliminate dietary causes of hair loss. Eat a balanced diet comprised of whole, protein-rich foods — the more organic the better. Avoid or limit refined sugar and other simple carbohydrates to ameliorate insulin sensitivity. Read about our nutritional and lifestyle guidelines. Address vitamin deficiency hair loss. Take a rich multivitamin daily that includes hair-healthy vitamins such as B, C and E. Other important nutrients are calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and iron. A fish oil supplement containing vitamin D and essential fatty acids will help boost immunity and soothe inflammation. Consider herbal supplements. Kelp–derived supplements add iodine to the diet, which assists in the manufacture of thyroid hormones. Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow to the scalp (without androgens). Scalp massage and acupuncture can be helpful in stimulating blood flow to the scalp and supporting normal follicle function. Balance your hormones. If you are premenopausal, consider using a natural USP progesterone cream to naturally rebalance your hormones. Natural progesterone is safe for use for one year post-menopause too (there’s no evidence that further use after menopause is unsafe, but out of an abundance of caution, we don’t recommend it). Examine your emotional health and your relationship with anger. Rage may be associated with higher levels of testosterone. Finding healthy ways to express yourself and your anger can go a long way toward reducing stress. If you are under severe psychological stress, your hair loss should improve a few months after the stress is relieved. See your health care provider. If your hair loss does not improve with these measures after six months, talk to your practitioner. He or she may recommend undergoing the tests I outlined above. Ask to see the results and where they fall in the range of normal. The closer to the midline the better. If you notice any irregularities, talk to your practitioner about targeted supplements or treatment targeted toward hair growth.


Do you often feel sluggish,lethargic,bloated or suffer indigestion after eating?Are bad breath and irregular bowel movement common occurences?If you awnsered positive to these questions, its probably time to detoxify.Detoxification neutralises and eliminates any bodily toxin- compounds that harm the structure or function of body cells and tissues.Also,"detox" gives the body time to rest ,cleanse, and recharge itself.Although the body is capable of detoxifying on its own,through defecation and urination,detox advocate points out that modern lifestyles have piled on toxins faster than our bodies are able to remove them.A detox will improve your well bieng in the short term but,if you adopt its lessons of clean living,it could do wonders on your long term health and fitness too.Aproper detox diet doesn't just help the body speed up its waste disposable capabilities , it also provides all the vitamins and nutrients the body needs to repair and strengthen itself.If you put the right fuel in your car,it works perfectly.If you put in diesel by mistake,it stops.The same goes for your body.Feed it exactly what it needs and it will do its absolute best by you.
DETOX STRATEGYExperts concur that there are three methods of detox fasting--juice fast, water fast, and dry fast.A juice fast refers to a diet of fruit and vegetable juices;a water fast simply means all you ingest is water;while a dry fast means abstinence from food and water and is the most severe.Of the three,juice fast is more suitable for the people to start with as our degenerated system will be unable to endure just water,let alone no food and water.
Experts also encourage abstinence from cooked foods during detox,as more more vitamins and minerals will be retained when foods are eaten raw.A juice fast can also be fortified with supplements like whole plants extracts of spirulina,brussels sprouts,chlorella and broccoli.However due to the average person's dependence on carbohydrate-and protien rich meals ,it is necessary to detox in stages.He must be slowly weaned off carbohydrates and protiens .while the intake of juices is slowly increased.
Detoxing atleast 3 to 4 times a year ,with each round of detoxing lasting ideally 3 weeks to allow the digestive system ample time to rest is recommended.Durin detox, it is advisable to limit exercises.And instead of gorging on rich and unhealthy foods all year then embarking on an intensive detox programme for a few weeks,it is much better to adopt a regular,controlled cleansing diet.
Eat plenty of fibres everyday,which can be derived fron foods like beetroot,brownrice,cabbage,broccoli and organically-grown fresh fruits.The necessity of detoxing strikes home when experts liken detoxing to maintaining toilet sanitation- despite flushing toilet everyday,you still need to clean the toilet thoroughly every so often.If not it will clogged.Its exactly the same with digestive system. Initially you may find that detox diet makes you feel worse! Those who drink lot of tea and cofee may experience mild headaches over the first day or two without it.You may also feel quite tired as your bodyhas become so dependent on artficial stimulants,but this will pass quickly too.Other early sympyoms include a coated toungue and bad breath which will be short livedIn the even longer term it helps in losing weight.
It's exciting, it's a journey.So make plans

How to fight Depression

Depression is a stress-related mental illness.It is more common in women than men.Study shows that one in six women and one in nine men suffers from depression.Lack of purpose in anybody's life may lead to depression and if not cured instantly,may furthur force a person to commit suicide.
Depression doesn't always have a particular cause and can strike suddenly.Depression and stress go hand in hand or one may call depression as an advance version of stress.
Depression cures-you are your own helper.Here are few tips for depression cures :-
1.Get yourself occupied in doing things you have always cherished.keep yourself busy in doing motivational activities.Doing inspirational things helps in beating depression. Listening to soothing music,taking hot shower bath,reading motivational books,,take a long walk..etc. are some of the instances of depression cures .
2.Regular exercise can help in relieving you from depression.Exercises releases endorphins which is known as a happy element and help you by giving a natural boost.yoga and meditation can do wonders and has been proven since long.Meditation needs lots of concentration which really helps in curing stress and depression.
3.It is said that "Man is a social animal" and socialising plays a pivotal role in curing depression .So go ahead and meet people you know or start making new friends.chat with them on topics which make you laugh.Establish close ties with family and friends.A group support will tremendouly boost your immune system.
4. Getting lots of sunshine around you and keeping your room always bright is one of the depression cures element.Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition.Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish.
5.Depression cures also involves less intake of fatty foods,sugar,caffeine etc.Sugar and coffee may increase your energy initially but later on they will turn into a depressant and make yourself feel lethargic.Similarly, alcohol will also help in forgetting your problems primarily but eventually it will aggravate the situation.
6.Last but not the least,don't underestimate yourself in front of anybody.No man is perfect and commiting mistake is human tendency ,so you are not exceptional.Never use phrase like i m good for nothing or i am useless ..as they lower down your confidence and morale.Keeping a positive attitude towards life is what needed in depression cures .
Trust me these tips really works .Just give them a try to lead a confident and motivational life.As i have mentioned earlier that you are your own helper..So adopt these depression cures and beat depression and stress.